Ontario home insurance posts

Ontario home insurance posts

Home insurance coverage for service lines a better value than municipal warranties

April 12, 2023

Ontario municipalities are promoting service line warranties that cover underground pipes on your property. You may…

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Summer is coming – 5 home insurance hazards to avoid

April 4, 2023

Spring is a perfect time to make sure your home is protected from common summer perils like falling trees, animal damage,…

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Do I need liquor liability insurance for my holiday party?

November 11, 2022

Generally, if you’re hosting a small holiday party at home, you don’t need extra insurance. The liability coverage under…

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What is a deductible…and what’s the right deductible for me?

October 21, 2022

A deductible is the part of a claim that you, as the policyholder, agree to take responsibility for. If you make a claim for…

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Is your older home underinsured?

October 13, 2022

With insurance companies offering guaranteed replacement cost coverage for most homes, and given that the overwhelming…

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The importance of tenants insurance – By the numbers

September 23, 2022

An alarming number of renters in Canada have no tenants insurance policy, leaving them vulnerable to such perils as fire,…

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Need high-risk home insurance? Here’s why

September 20, 2022

There are certain features of your home that can disqualify you from being covered by standard insurers. They include knob…

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Doing home renovations? Here’s why you should keep your insurance provider updated

February 7, 2022

Turning your existing house into your dream home is an obsession for many a homeowner. Building an addition, installing…

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My cottage, my insurance, and a wood burning stove

November 11, 2021

While wood burning stoves have become safer and more environmentally friendly, they still provide enough of a fire hazard…

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If I have roommates, do I need my own insurance?

October 3, 2021

In a word… Yes. While some insurance providers will let you add yourself to a roommate’s tenants insurance policy, allowing…

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