Ontario home insurance posts

Ontario home insurance posts

What you need to know about your home for an accurate insurance quote

July 21, 2020

How well do you know your home for an insurance quote? Your home insurance premium is based on the particulars of your home,…

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Why can’t I insure my home for market value?

July 13, 2020

Many people get confused when we talk about how much their home should be insured for. It’s got nothing to do with what you…

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Why you need sewer backup coverage for your 23rd floor condo

March 10, 2020

It’s a common question asked by anyone who goes from a house to a condo or apartment building: I’m on the 7th floor. Why would…

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Ask a broker #2 – Home insurance special Q&A 1

February 19, 2020

In this installment of Ask a Broker: Protecting your home, your possessions and your savings from unforeseen dangers like…

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Need an umbrella? Why you may want $5 million liability coverage

January 30, 2020

At Mitch, we feel strongly that every one of our customers should have much more liability coverage than the minimum $200,000…

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What questions do I need to answer to get home insurance?

December 11, 2019

Shopping for home or tenants insurance in Ontario is not quite as straightforward as shopping for auto insurance. That’s…

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The best home insurance companies in Ontario

October 24, 2019

See the latest version of this post: The best home insurance companies in Ontario for 2024 There are more than 40 different…

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Condo Corporations Slam the Door on Legal Cannabis

January 22, 2019

Recreational cannabis users living in condominiums in Ontario can be forgiven for feeling like they’ve been left high…

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Preventing & dealing with winter property insurance claims

December 4, 2018

Preparing for the cold In Ontario, winter weather can fluctuate greatly from one day to the next. In southern Ontario, and…

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How to Avoid Frozen Pipes in Winter

November 27, 2018

While You Were Gone – Avoid Costly Surprises When on Vacation As Canadians, we like to escape winter if we can—maybe…

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