Auto insurance posts archive

Auto insurance posts archive

Distracted driving deaths on the rise

September 7, 2016

We all know that drunk driving kills but how many of us know that distracted driving is causing even more deaths than drunk…

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How to get lower insurance rates

August 19, 2016

No one likes to pay for insurance so make sure you know about these ways to get lower insurance rates. The trick is to remain…

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Information to have ready for your car insurance quote

August 3, 2016

Maybe you want to find cheaper car insurance or just got your first car; whatever the reason, now you’re shopping around…

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Does car insurance cover that?

July 21, 2016

Ever wonder if your car insurance covers you for some particular situation that comes up? While it does depend upon the details…

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Do you need rental car insurance?

June 27, 2016

Whether renting a car on vacation, or you just need a vehicle for a few days while yours in the shop, finding a rental car is…

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Six surprising auto insurance facts

June 16, 2016

There are so many details involved in our lives these days, it’s understandable why no one wants to think about any more of…

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Looking for cheap car insurance?

June 2, 2016

If you’re looking for cheap car insurance, you’re probably checking out many different sites and contacting or calling…

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Ontario auto insurance is changing

April 27, 2016

You might already know that more changes are coming to Ontario auto insurance starting on June 1, 2016. One good change that…

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ATV insurance Ontario

April 14, 2016

For those of us in Ontario impatiently waiting to hit the trails on our ATVs, the season is almost here! Not only is it time…

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4 important car insurance tips you need to know!

March 29, 2016

Everyone wants to save money on their car insurance – why spend more than you have to, right? So here are some important car…

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