Auto insurance posts archive

Auto insurance posts archive

How to reduce your risks for cheaper car insurance

March 14, 2016

If you’re like most people, you’re looking for ways to get lower car insurance rates. The real challenge here is to minimize…

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How your auto insurance rates are set – Part 2

February 10, 2016

In Part 1 of this article, we explained how personal factors like your age, your type of car, and your driving record affect…

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How your auto insurance rates are set – Part 1

February 2, 2016

One of the most common questions that people ask when purchasing car insurance is how the rates are set. If you’ve…

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3 tips to save money on teen auto insurance

January 21, 2016

There are so many milestones that mark a child’s development beginning with that first birthday, first step, and…

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How to shop for auto insurance

December 18, 2015

Maybe your policy is about to expire or you want simply want to save money on your current policy. Either way, it is important…

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Insurance tips for snowbirds and vacationers

December 2, 2015

While most of us buy supplementary medical insurance when we travel, as recommended by our own government, we should also…

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Save money with a snow tire discount

November 25, 2015

Let’s face facts – we live in Canada and snow in winter is part of the deal! So whether you like snow or not, it makes good sense…

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Five Ways to Lower Car Insurance Rates

November 19, 2015

From gas to maintenance, owning a car involves many costs. One of those costs is car insurance. Since it is mandatory, you…

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Get ready for winter driving (and save on car insurance too)

October 15, 2015

As summer gives way to fall and the air grows colder, all Canadians know that winter is right around the corner. Despite its…

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Lower car insurance for new drivers

April 9, 2015

When searching for ways to lower car insurance new drivers may be in a position to take advantage of these useful tips:…

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