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Driving without insurance? Good luck!

December 19, 2019

With auto and motorcycle insurance rates in Ontario on their way up after years of stability, there are drivers and riders…

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What questions do I need to answer to get home insurance?

December 11, 2019

Shopping for home or tenants insurance in Ontario is not quite as straightforward as shopping for auto insurance. That’s…

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Why a larger insurer is sometimes better…and sometimes not

December 5, 2019

In Canada, we love small business, and with good reason. Who doesn’t want to know their local grocer or mechanic, or have…

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Forever young – Adam Mitchell wins Young Broker of the Year

November 12, 2019

Recently, at the 2019 IBAO Awards, Adam Mitchell was recognized as Young Broker of the Year for Ontario.…

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Do insurance companies ever lose money on auto insurance?

October 30, 2019

…They can and do in Ontario – Here’s proof Auto insurance premiums in Ontario continue to go up, and there’s…

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The best home insurance companies in Ontario

October 24, 2019

See the latest version of this post: The best home insurance companies in Ontario for 2024 There are more than 40 different…

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Why do my insurance payments not come out right away?

October 21, 2019

In our world of online buying and selling, we’ve grown accustomed to buying something and seeing the money come out of our…

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The best car insurance companies in Ontario

September 25, 2019

See the latest version of this post: The best car insurance companies in Ontario for 2024 Ontario has about 12 million registered…

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Growth matters – Mitch cracks Growth 500 list

September 12, 2019

Canadian Business Magazine has released its 31st annual list of the fastest growing companies in the country, and Mitch…

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How should I choose a business insurance broker?

September 11, 2019

How do I find the right insurance broker for my business insurance? Great news! When it comes to finding an insurance broker…

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