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Getting engaged? Insure that ring!

November 12, 2020

You’re getting engaged. Congrats! This is a very exciting time in your life. Shopping for a ring. Setting up the perfect…

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Can a dash cam get you cheaper insurance?

November 6, 2020

Insurance companies don’t currently offer a discount for installing a dash cam. But depending on what the dash cam records,…

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When is my car considered a total loss?

November 4, 2020

Most vehicles are insured for their Actual Cash Value (ACV). As that value begins to depreciate over the years, however,…

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Why do I pay more to insure my cannabis shop?

November 3, 2020

When it comes to legalizing cannabis, Canada stands alone among the G7 countries. No other major economy in the world has…

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Are you making money with your car? Insurance implications

October 28, 2020

If you use your car to make an income, you’re probably best off getting some kind of commercial auto insurance policy or at…

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How to handle a home insurance claim dispute

October 21, 2020

If you ever need to make a home insurance claim, it’s possible that it will go smoothly and you and your insurance company…

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Does cannabis affect my non-smoker discount?

October 13, 2020

If you get a non-smoker discount on your home insurance premium, you may be paying 5-20% less than a smoker with the same coverage.…

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As a personal trainer, how do I make sure I’m sufficiently covered?

September 30, 2020

More than most careers, protecting yourself against lawsuits is an essential part of being a personal trainer, whether…

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Does my home insurance cover my legal cannabis plants?

August 13, 2020

Ever since those salad days when cannabis was first legalized in Canada, insurers have had to re-evaluate their stance…

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What you need to know about your home for an accurate insurance quote

July 21, 2020

How well do you know your home for an insurance quote? Your home insurance premium is based on the particulars of your home,…

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