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What you need to know about insurance fraud in Ontario

September 14, 2016

Insurance fraud in Ontario is hurting all of us by increasing the cost of insurance, when the one thing we all want is cheaper…

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Distracted driving deaths on the rise

September 7, 2016

We all know that drunk driving kills but how many of us know that distracted driving is causing even more deaths than drunk…

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How to get lower insurance rates

August 19, 2016

No one likes to pay for insurance so make sure you know about these ways to get lower insurance rates. The trick is to remain…

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5 ways to protect your business against cybercrime

August 16, 2016

You might think cybercrime is something that larger businesses have to be concerned about but it is often easier to hack…

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How home insurance works while you’re away

August 10, 2016

When your home is not occupied it is definitely at greater risk than when you are there taking care of it. The good news is your…

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Information to have ready for your car insurance quote

August 3, 2016

Maybe you want to find cheaper car insurance or just got your first car; whatever the reason, now you’re shopping around…

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Home insurance and high-value items

July 28, 2016

Do you know which high value items are covered by your home insurance policy? The answer could be none! In many standard homeowner…

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5 ways to protect your business from liquor liability

July 25, 2016

If you own or operate any type of business where liquor is served or sold, then you could be held responsible for any injuries…

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Does car insurance cover that?

July 21, 2016

Ever wonder if your car insurance covers you for some particular situation that comes up? While it does depend upon the details…

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Answering your home insurance questions

July 14, 2016

If you’re like most people, you don’t have questions about home insurance until you need to make a claim! But knowing some…

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