Auto insurance posts archive

Auto insurance posts archive

Save some dough during the pandemic with CAA MyPace™

May 22, 2020

Updated Nov 4, 2021 CAA MyPace is a usage-based auto insurance program that can save you as much as 40% on your auto insurance…

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The truth about pandemic auto insurance rebates

April 23, 2020

There is lots of news out there about insurance companies offering discounts and rebates to reflect a drop in the frequency…

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How to order your insurance history

March 20, 2020

The auto insurance industry in Canada shares information on claims through a system called Autoplus. When you call to shop…

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How long does an accident stay on my driving record?

February 13, 2020

Everyone knows that an at-fault accident affects how much you pay for auto insurance. But for how long? Technically, it…

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Where does your auto insurance money go?

February 10, 2020

Auto insurance isn’t just one thing. When you call to get an auto insurance quote, you’ll get a premium that includes a number…

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Need an umbrella? Why you may want $5 million liability coverage

January 30, 2020

At Mitch, we feel strongly that every one of our customers should have much more liability coverage than the minimum $200,000…

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Ontario distracted driving laws, fines, & penalties

January 27, 2020

Driver distraction is the new drunk driving: Here’s what texting and driving will cost you.…

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Ask a broker #1 – Auto insurance special Q&A 1

January 21, 2020

In this installment of Ask a broker: Every industry has its common questions and at times surprising answers, and the insurance…

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Driving without insurance? Good luck!

December 19, 2019

With auto and motorcycle insurance rates in Ontario on their way up after years of stability, there are drivers and riders…

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Do insurance companies ever lose money on auto insurance?

October 30, 2019

…They can and do in Ontario – Here’s proof Auto insurance premiums in Ontario continue to go up, and there’s…

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