General insurance info posts archive

General insurance info posts archive

Can missing a monthly payment affect my insurance rates?

February 24, 2020

Missed payments are not in and of themselves a rating factor for insurance, but if you fall behind by more than a month, that…

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Why a larger insurer is sometimes better…and sometimes not

December 5, 2019

In Canada, we love small business, and with good reason. Who doesn’t want to know their local grocer or mechanic, or have…

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Why do my insurance payments not come out right away?

October 21, 2019

In our world of online buying and selling, we’ve grown accustomed to buying something and seeing the money come out of our…

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What to look for in an insurance broker

June 11, 2019

Much has been said about the value of working with an independent insurance broker for all your insurance needs. Unlike…

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Why is my policy premium different than my quote?

May 8, 2019

Has this ever happened to you? You call an insurance broker, give them all your information, and get back a super quote that…

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Why are my insurance premiums increasing this year?

March 26, 2019

You may have recently received a renewal for your auto, home or business insurance and seen a higher than usual increase…

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Insurance: Quietly covering your assets

September 7, 2017

Money for nothing? Of all the goods and services competing for a share of our hard-earned cash, insurance will not likely…

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Bullish on brokers – Why direct writers must fear the modern broker

July 5, 2017

I’m often asked how we are handling competition from direct writers and our feelings on insurance company affinity programs,…

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How digital technology is helping our clients

November 11, 2016

We are always interested in new technologies especially when we can see how they can make our service faster and more convenient…

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Insurance agent vs. insurance broker: What’s the difference?

October 13, 2016

What’s the difference between an insurance agent and an insurance broker? Since we don’t buy insurance regularly most…

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